Business Manager Overview

If you're an advertiser on Facebook who shares access to multiple Pages and ad accounts with other people, we recommend you transition to Business Manager. ...Lee mas...

About Facebook Business Manager

Organize all of your Facebook advertising assets in one place.

Create Your Business Manager

Create a Business Manager to organize and manage your business assets and permissions.

Cómo funciona el administrador comercial de Facebook

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Información sobre Business Manager de Facebook

Organiza todos tus activos de publicidad de Facebook desde un único lugar.

Business Manager

Setting Up Business Manager and Pages Permissions ... This governs who has access to your Page(s) and which administrative and publishing ... your social media team or your advertising team (if your organization runs ads on Facebook).

Facebook Business Manager API

Help businesses and agencies manage Facebook Pages, ad accounts and apps in one place. Business Manager API's help manage multiple ad account assets ...



Facebook Business Manager: The Ultimate Guide
24 May 2018 ... What is Facebook Business Manager? Facebook Business Manager is a tool to help you create, publish, monitor, and report on various business- ...

Facebook Business Manager Explained
26 Feb 2018 ... What is the Facebook Business Manager? The Facebook Business Manager is just another way to access Pages and Advertising Accounts.

Facebook Business Manager
18 Oct 2018 ... What is Facebook Business Manager? · It keeps work and personal activity separate · Users don't have to be friends to collaborate with coworkers ...

#1 Facebook Advertising Agency
Capitalize on all Facebook, Instagram Ads and Instagram marketing opportunities for your business. ... Voy Media has had not only a huge impact on my business, but also a big impact in my life. ... What are Facebook Management Services?

Remove a Page from Facebook Business Manager
18 Nov 2020 ... In this case, ask the person who created the Business Manager account to go to the Settings: People, and change your permissions from an ...