Access Tokens - Facebook Login

This kind of access token is needed any time the app calls an API to read, modify or write a specific person's Facebook data on their behalf. User access tokens are ... ...Lee mas...

Create an Access Token for Conversions API in Guided Setup ...

Facebook Events Manager offers guided setup to help you set up Conversions API. Learn how to create an access token to get started.

Access Token - Pages - Facebook for Developers

The Facebook Login Dialog. These methods will create a short-lived User access token that is valid for only 1 hour. Get ...

Facebook Login

Facebook Login. A secure, fast, and convenient way for users to log into your app , and for your app to ask for permissions to access data ...

facebook for developers - Using the Graph API

The easiest way to do this is to use Facebook Login to handle your tokens. Facebook Login. OAuth 2.0 involves numerous redirects, login prompts, and token ...

Log into Facebook

Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.

Developer Tools - Facebook for Developers

Access Facebook Developers tools like Graph API Explorer, Access Token Debugger and more.

Permissions Reference - Graph API

Facebook Login Permissions; Instagram Permissions. Access to any Permission that is granted by default or through App Review can be used to request analytics  ...

Graph API Explorer - Facebook for Developers

Graph API Explorer. This tool lets you make calls to Facebook's Graph API. Learn more about Graph API. Log into Facebook to use this tool. Log In. Follow Us.

Get Started - Marketing API

Business Manager helps advertisers integrate Facebook marketing efforts across their business and ... To use the Conversions API, you need an access token.

Getting Started - Instagram Graph API

Configure Facebook Login. Add the Facebook Login product to your app in the App Dashboard. You can leave all settings on their defaults. If you ...

Tokens de acceso - Inicio de sesión con Facebook

Un token de acceso es una cadena opaca que identifica a un usuario, una app o una página, y que la app se puede utilizar para realizar llamadas a la API Graph.

oEmbed - Social Plugins

How to use the Facebook oEmbed endpoint. ... a registered Facebook app; the oEmbed Product added to the app; an Access Token; The Facebook app must be  ...

Create a set of items in a catalogue

Create sets to showcase groups of items from your catalogue in your ads or sales channels.

Overview - Instagram Platform - Documentation - Facebook for ... — for getting Instagram User Access Tokens ... To get a short- lived access token, implement the Authorization Window into your app. After the ...

Crear un token de acceso para la API de conversiones en la ...

... de Facebook ofrece una configuración guiada para ayudarte a configurar la API de conversiones. Obtén información sobre cómo crear un token de acceso.

Long-Lived Tokens - Facebook Login

Native mobile apps using Facebook's SDKs get long-lived User access tokens, good for about 60 days. These tokens are refreshed once per day, when the ...


Diem (digital currency) - Wikipedia
Diem (formerly known as Libra) is a permissioned blockchain-based payment system proposed ... Morgan Beller started working on cryptocurrency and blockchain at Facebook in 2017, and ... Libra has considered using coins based on individual national currencies on the network, alongside the basket-based Libra token.

How to update the Facebook integration Token
If you received an e-mail informing about the need to update your Facebook integration Token or if you're seeing an error message when trying to answer a chat ...

How to Get a Facebook Page Access Token?
Facebook requires a Page Access Token if you want to use the data from your Facebook page, customize it and embed it on your website through SociableKIT.