Facebook Spaces

This app is no longer available. On October 25, 2019, Facebook Spaces was shut down to make way for Facebook Horizon. We are grateful to each and every  ... ...Lee mas...

¿Cómo funciona Facebook Spaces?

Facebook Spaces es una aplicación de realidad virtual (VR) desarrollada por Facebook con la que puedes invitar a un máximo de tres amigos de Facebook e.. .

About Ad Spaces in Monetisation Manager

Ad Spaces allow publishers to organise ad placements to accurately reflect what a person is doing when they see an ad in your app.

How can I stay safe when using Facebook Spaces?

Facebook Spaces is a place for you to connect with your friends and family in virtual reality (VR). If you're ever in a space and you don't feel safe or...

Facebook Spaces - Create Your New Spaces Avatar!

Check out what's new in Spaces with the release of v41! * New avatars are here! Following our announcement on Monday, we are excited to bring a brand...



Qué es Facebook Spaces
Cómo crear un perfil en Facebook Spaces. Para utilizar Facebook Space necesitas, por supuesto unas gafas de realidad virtual y descargar la app. La aplicación ...