Facebook As The Ultimate Surveillance Machine - Feld Thoughts

Whenever someone tells me about the progress humans have made, I remind them that since the beginning of humans, man has been trying to kill his neighbor to take over his backyard. And yes, as Amy likes to regularly remind me, it’s often men doing the killing. Simultaneously, governments around the world have spent zillions of dollars building surveillance systems since the beginning of – well – humans. Or at least since the beginning of governments. In 14 years, Facebook has created the most incredible and effective surveillance machine in the history of humankind. And we, the humans, have given the machine much of the data. John Lanchester has the best article on this I’ve read to date titled You Are the Product in...

26 Mar 2018 ... John Lanchester has the best article on this I've read to date titled You ... Facebook, in fact, is the biggest surveillance-based enterprise in the ...

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