Facebook: Number of Employees 2009-2020 | FB

Interactive chart of Facebook (FB) annual worldwide employee count from 2009 to 2020. <ul style='margin-top:10px;'> <li>Facebook total number of employees in 2020 was <strong>58,604</strong>, a <strong>30.4% increase</strong> from 2019.</li> <li>Facebook total number of employees in 2019 was <strong>44,942</strong>, a <strong>26.29% increase</strong> from 2018.</li> <li>Facebook total number of employees in 2018 was <strong>35,587</strong>, a <strong>41.75% increase</strong> from 2017.</li> <li>Facebook total number of employees in 2017 was <strong>25,105</strong>, a <strong>47.26% increase</strong> from 2016.</li> </ul>

Facebook Inc. operates a social networking website worldwide. The Company's products for users are free of charge and available on the Web, mobile Web, ...

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