Bug #637644 “Repository corruption, index file truncated by OS f...” : Bugs : Bazaar

The bzr server repository got corrupted and nobody can pull or push changes to it. Running "bzr check" and "bzr reconcile" shows the following messages: [11:51:11][~/trunk-r16]$ bzr merge Merging from remembered submit location bzr+ssh://.../bzr/client-facebook/trunk/ bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.ErrorFromSmartServer: Error received from smart server: ('ShortReadvError', 'b22a569ce92096b22330c933808dc3b1.tix', '0', '772', '60') Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Library/Python/2.6/sit...

13 Sep 2010 ... [11:51:11][~/trunk-r16]$ bzr merge. Merging from remembered submit location bzr +ssh://<email address hidden>/bzr/client-facebook/trunk/

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