How to hide your birthday information on Facebook on a computer or mobile device | Goldennet Computer Services | Ingleburn Mobile Computer Support | Webdesign | Server Networking

How to hide your birthday on Facebook on a computer1. Go to on a Mac or PC and log into your account, if you aren't already logged in.2. Go to your profile by clicking your name in the top toolbar.3. Click on "Edit Profile," located on the lower-right side of your cover photo.4. Scroll down and select "Edit your about info" at the bottom of the menu. You can also access this page by going right to the "About" tab on your profile page. 5. Select "Contact and Basic Info" in the left sidebar6. Hover the cursor over the "Birth Date" or "Birth Year" section and select the people icon next to "Edit."7. Click into the drop-down menus next to the date and year and select "Only Me" for each option.8. Hit "Save Changes."

How to hide your birthday on Facebook on a computer1. Go to on a Mac or PC and log into your account, if you aren't already logged in.2.

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