Experimontag: KvT / Agente Costura / Stephen Doyle

KvT (Noise – drone – spatial/HU, IR) KvT: a duo. Processes / sounds / movements at the edge of imperceptibility. Transformation through layering / rhythm / pattern / repetition. https://kvt-kvt.bandcamp.com/releases https://kvt-kvt.tumblr.com/ https://vimeo.com/274238418 AGENTE COSTURA (Experimantal/DE) Agente Costura plays a prepared sewing machine, improvising textile sculptures and soundscapes, making music out of making clothes. https://www.facebook.com/agentecostura/ http://agentecostura.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/agentecostura/ https://aduetofamplifiedsewingmachines.bandcamp.com/releases STEPHEN DOYLE (Amsterdam) Stephen Doyle is a solo percussionist, living and working in Amsterdam. His sounds have previously graced the creations of Dagora, FVVSSD, The John Ew Band, and currently 78rpm. However, he also is acclaimed for his solo performances, which combine the meditative effects of repetition with the refined skill of a misspent punk youth. This allows for a playful

https://www.facebook.com/agentecostura/ ... STEPHEN DOYLE (Amsterdam) Stephen Doyle is a solo percussionist, living and working in Amsterdam.

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