An open letter to the commenters on the NZ Herald FB page

An open letter to the people who read the NZ Herald article We were recently interviewed for the NZ Herald article on sleep consultants, what a pleasure to offer up information on something we are so passionate about. Not surprisingly there has been a fierce debate on the NZ Herald Face Book page about sleep consultants and what we do. This letter is to you. To the women who wrote “Sleepless nights are part of being a parent. Deal with it. Don’t like lack of sleep? Don’t have kids.” I challenge you to answer my phone for a day, listen to the crying and sometimes desperate mothers. The mothers who worked with IVF to have these precious children you are telling them they don’t deserve to have. The mothers who have been surviving for months and months on end with 2-4 hours of broken sleep a night, their own immune systems sometimes shutting down as illness creeps in. The exhaustion causing rifts in their previous rock solid marriage, the tears of failure they cry night after night, as they tr

18 May 2015 ... An open letter to the people who read the NZ Herald article We were recently interviewed for the NZ Herald article on sleep consultants, what a ...

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