Social Fixer for Facebook

Social Fixer is filled with features to make your Facebook experience better. Filter posts in the news feed by content, author, link url, and more Built-in Filter Subscriptions let you just pick a filter and use it without knowing how it works. Pre-defined filters include hiding Sponsored Posts, Political posts, things your friends like, and much more. Hide posts you've read and are done with, so they don't appear in the news feed anymore. Select from a list of Display Tweaks to customize the interface, or write your own with CSS. Force FB to stay on the Most Recent feed Hide parts of the page you don't want to see, like panels in the left or right columns. Comment Navigator lets you expand all comments and replies to a post, and highlight comments that are older than an age you specify. Tips point you to built-in Facebook settings and options and suggest values to make your experience better. Stealth Mode hides Like buttons, Comment areas, etc so you can browse Facebook without accidentally interac

17 Nov 2020 ... This extension can access your data on some websites. This extension can store an unlimited amount of client-side data. Screenshots.

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