Look At Me: Attention-Seeking Behavior as a Symptom of ...

“Attention seeking” is generally considered a bad thing. Used as a pejorative to describe the child who throws a tantrum, the Facebook friend who posts a picture of their new BMW, or the co-worker whose recounting of their recent cold rivals the most vivid descriptions of the bubonic plague, the phrase suggests something trivial, selfish, and a bit hysterical. In many cases, attention seeking is merely a minor social faux pas, a small and temporary annoyance. But attention seeking isn’t inherently bad, nor is it necessarily inconsequential; rather, attention-seeking behavior exists on a spectrum that ranges from an expression of our most natural desire for human contact to extreme manifestations of psychological suffering, and recognizing when it becomes a cry for help is critical to supporting people in serious distress. If you are concerned about your loved one’s attention seeking, understanding the potential underpinnings of their behavior can be the first step toward helping them on the jour

29 Dec 2015 ... Attention seeking” is generally considered a bad thing. Used as a pejorative to describe the child who throws a tantrum, the Facebook friend ...

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