How Zappos uses social media: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram | Econsultancy

The US online fashion retailer makes a rather bold statement in the about section of its website. “Customer service isn’t just a department!” The entire organisation is built around one sole mission: to provide the best customer service possible. A lot of brands may say that customer experience is at the core of their strategy, but how many follow through with this statement in practice? Graham Charlton discussed what Zappos could teach us about staff and customer retention last month. It’s largely about making the working environment as happy as possible through plenty of staff recognition, trust, responsibility and plenty of perks. For the customer it means ‘delivering a WOW philosophy’ through excellent service, customer focused metrics, surprising people through under-promising and over-delivering and remaining ever personal. So Zappos delivers ‘happiness’ for its employees and for its website customers. How about its social channels? Given Zappos focus on customer service, does this exten

30 Sep 2014 ... The US online fashion retailer makes a rather bold statement in the about section of its website. “Customer service isn't just a department!

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