Preconception Health and Our Grandchildren’s Future

”Life is the best time in a human being’s existence”, said the famous Finnish ski jumper Matti Nykänen once, but he did not know that one’s health is programmed before birth. E.g. they, who say that you are, what you eat, are not correct, because in fact you are what your grandparents have eaten. Of course, although your health is programmed before you existed, the programming is not deterministic. You can make choices both in good and bad – and accidents as well as miracles do happen. Life course health development (LCHD) –perspective have taken more and more space in the health debate during the last twenty years. This perspective combines not only public health and clinical medicine, but also epidemiological research, sociology, education, psychology and many other developmental sciences. All these sciences have shown that human health is influenced by multilevel factors from gene to society. In principle, the term ‘development’ is value free: ‘Development’ might develop in any d

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