40 Great Health and Wellness Facebook Pages To Follow

 We all get fed up with the stuff that clutters our Facebook feeds — unsolicited political commentary, pictures of coworkers’ lunches, etc. The beauty of Facebook is you can tell it you don’t want to see this stuff in your news feed, then fill up your news feed with stuff that is actually important to you. To get that process started, we’re suggesting 40 health and wellness Facebook pages we think are worth a follow. These break down cleanly into general health, nutrition, fitness and the larger category of wellness — which encompasses mental, emotional and spiritual health, too. Like the pages that are relevant for you, and soon your news feed will be full of updates that you actually care about.   General Health Daily Health Tips This is the Facebook feed for the largest health Q&A site online, HealthcareMagic.com, where users can ask questions specifically to doctors and healthcare professionals. In addition to those posts, the Facebook feed constantly features useful health advice.

The beauty of Facebook is you can tell it you don't want to see this stuff in your news feed, then fill up your news feed with stuff that is actually important to you. To ...

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