Gameloft Forums: Dungeon Hunter 5 > Support & Help

Hello everyone.Does anyone know how to get backcharacter dungeon hunter 5. I use windows phone. I was connecting to facebook today and i should press link the game to facebook and by mistake i pressed SWITCH and lost all my progress in the game. I've already use customer care function. They said that they found my character in XBoxLive account but I haven't logged in the game with my XBox account. I don't understand because by default, XBox alaway use microsft account that I use for my phone. If not, how to log in to game with XBox Account?  My Ticket Id is 13395152.And another question, is there any way to move my character to android. I've just bought new android phone.Thank!

Does anyone know how to get backcharacter dungeon hunter 5. I use windows phone. I was connecting to facebook today and i should press link the game to ...

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