
The Klondike Wiki is a community portal where Klondike players come together to organize and discuss content on the Wiki and its forums. Discover, share and add your knowledge! { "id": "774670305889206", "application": { "id": "112328095453510", "name": "Wikia", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/1409878389236992" }, "created_time": "2014-07-08T15:40:56+0000", "description": "New Descriptions", "image": [ { "height": 200, "url": "http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/klondike-the-lost-expedition/images/3/3b/Wiki-Freebies-Pic.png", "width": 200 } ], "is_scraped": false, "site_name": "Klondike: The Lost Expedition Wiki", "title": "Expeditions", "type": "article", "updated_time": "2014-07-08T15:45:13+0000", "url": "http://klondike.wikia.com/wiki/Expeditions" }

The Klondike Wiki is a community portal where Klondike players come together to organize and discuss content on ... Klondike - Facebook Social Game Trailer.

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